STC SA09923AC FDR for KingAir
FDR installation for use with Garmin 1000NXi

STC No.: SA09923AC

STC Holder:
Fieldtech Avionics & Instruments, Inc.
4151 North Main Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76106
STC Issue Date: April 14, 2021
STC Reissue Date:
Applicable to: A24CE
Textron Model: KingAir
200,200C, B200, B200C, B200GT, B200CGT, 300, 300LW, B300, B300C


STC# SA09923AC allows for the installation of the FA2100 L3 Digital Flight Data Recorder, impact switch, associated accelerometer in accordance with Master Data List 1001-MDL-1400, Revision IR, dated March 17, 2021 or later FAA approved revision.

Aircraft must be equipped with the Garmin 1000NXi system, GFC 700 Automatic Flight control System and optional Electronic Stability and Protection (ESP). Aircraft that have the Garmin 1000 system must be ungraded to the 1000NXi prior to FDR installation.

Elevator control Input RH WOW air / ground AP Engaged (LH XFER) Imminent obstacle clearance warning
Aileron Control Input Engine 1: NP YD Engaged (LH XFER) TAWS: Sys Status
Rudder control Input Engine 1: NG FD XFR Coupled TAWS: Inhibit
Pitch Trim control Input Engine 1: Torque CWS Engaged GPWS: Inhibit
Master Warning Engine 1: ITT Selected Speed Mode FLAP Override
Prop thrust reverse LT Engine 1: F.F. DME Distance Excessive descent rate caution
Prop thrust reverse RT Engine 2: NP Pilot pri. Nav reference Excessive descent rate warning (pull up)
Acceleration - Vertical Engine 2: NG Co Pilot pri. Nav reference Excessive terrain closure rate caution
Acceleration - Long Engine 2: Torque Comm# 1 Sel Freq Excessive terrain closure rate warning (pull up)
Acceleration - Lateral Engine 2: ITT Comm# 2 Sel Freq Negative climb rate caution
Time and Date Engine 2: F.F. Radio Altitude Flight into terrain: Too low FLAP caution
Pressure Altitude - #1 NAV # 1 Sel Freq Selected Baro(Hg") Flight into terrain: Too low GEAR caution
Indicated VS #1 NAV # 2 Sel Freq Selected Altitude Flight into terrain: Too low TERRAIN caution
Static air temp -#1 Loc Deviation # 1 Selected Speed (knots) Glideslope caution
Mag Heading - #1 Loc Deviation# 2 Selected Speed (MACH) 500 ft callout
Pitch Attitude #1 G/S Deviation # 1 Selected Speed VS LH Premature Descent Alert caution
Roll Attitude #1 G/S Deviation # 2 Selected Speed VS RH Imminent terrain impact caution
Pilot mic keyed GPS Deviation # 1 Selected Heading Imminent terrain impact warning
CoPilot mic keyed GPS Deviation# 2 Selected Flight Path
#1 Audio panel mic sel Vrt GPS Deviation # 1 Required terrain clearance caution
#2 Audio panel mic sel Vrt GPS Deviation # 2 Required terrain clearance warning
Marker Beacon # 1 GPS Pos Lat Required obstacle clearance caution
Marker Beacon # 2 GPS Pos Lon Required obstacle clearance warning
Trailing Edge Flap Ground Speed Imminent obstacle clearance caution
LH WOW air / ground #1 GIA 64E
#2 GIA 64E
PFD #1
PFD #2